Tis the season
Things that go into rum balls. The 'nilla wafers have to be crushed very fine. DH got me a KitchenAid mixer that does everything but play dance music. It has a grinder attachment, so I blithely gave away my heavy duty manual meat grinder that weighed eight pounds and made my shoulder sore by the end of the day. When I make my Christmas rum balls, need to grind at least ten boxes of wafers. The new grinder went through fireboxes, then stripped a gear or something. Next week, trip to the repair shop. Bummer! But at least I got through the cinnamon batch (Iadded a pinch of chili powder this year) , the cherry rum batch, and the peppermint batch. Next up, plain rum, then maybe some almond. And perhaps I'll get a pint of bourbon for some bourbon balls. What else goes good with chocolate?
At 6:16 AM ,
Tim Young said...
I hate taking things in for repair. I can't replace the time and effort it takes to get it fixed. I dropped one of these jugs in the school hallway once. They make quite a spectacular splash before cleaning all the spots behind the bookshelf and chairs that haven't been cleaned in a while.
At 8:17 AM ,
tlbw said...
Probably if you stuck with grinding cookies as opposed to "fireboxes",it would be easier on the Kitchen Aid(smily face).
At 9:32 AM ,
Lyssa said...
At 11:26 AM ,
mplanck said...
May the gods be with your repair shop. I don't have an axe to grind, but surely you can find an excuse to bring a sampling of those rum, cherry, bourban balls to Chrysalis. Bourban balls has a nice ring to it; falls trippingly from the tongue...
At 5:39 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I use a food processor to grind my cookies. Pulse is my friend.
At 5:24 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Wow-- what else goes good with chocolate? Caramel...
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