What's it like where you are?
Autumn is edging it's way up on us. Leaves are falling. Wind is blowing. Today we have sun, but this will probably be the last of it, so I'm going to bundle up and take myself out for a walk. But I wonder, what's it like where you live? Spring is bounding up on Australia. Are there no daffodil photos to share? How about the foliage in New England? What's October like in Southern California? I challenge you. Take a picture of your day and share it.
My cold has relinquished the flooding sinus and achey fever stage, and is just snuffly uncomfortable. A "Woman cold" as Doug S. in Australia would say. My DH says that "Man colds" are worse than "Woman colds" because men won't acknowledge that they are sick until it actually kicks their feet out from under them and they are unable to crawl back up. Then they accept the illness and enjoy it fully. Women have the sense to pay attention to their bodies and treat a cold when it first shows up. Men are trained to be tough and steely eyed and deny all pain as merely a flesh wound, not worth paying attention to. Women, who have to clean up the aftereffects, know enough to catch things before they get critical. We rarely die of flesh wounds.
Things have been quiet in the blogverse lately. How are things going for you?
My cold has relinquished the flooding sinus and achey fever stage, and is just snuffly uncomfortable. A "Woman cold" as Doug S. in Australia would say. My DH says that "Man colds" are worse than "Woman colds" because men won't acknowledge that they are sick until it actually kicks their feet out from under them and they are unable to crawl back up. Then they accept the illness and enjoy it fully. Women have the sense to pay attention to their bodies and treat a cold when it first shows up. Men are trained to be tough and steely eyed and deny all pain as merely a flesh wound, not worth paying attention to. Women, who have to clean up the aftereffects, know enough to catch things before they get critical. We rarely die of flesh wounds.
Things have been quiet in the blogverse lately. How are things going for you?
At 9:31 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
I hope you're feeling better and that your head drains.
our fall is weird. it's been warm and mild. The leaves are green, then just fall of the trees. Not much in the way of color changing going on.
At 10:29 AM ,
mplanck said...
As usual, you're so timely in reporting the difference between a woman cold and a man cold. Watching your husband or son (supply the noun) come down with a cold is like watching the slow sinking of an ocean liner. Until it's complete, you don't get to man the life boats. Or is it "woman" the life boats?
Glad you're feeling better! Enjoy that October sunshine.
At 1:52 PM ,
Benita said...
Here in central Indiana, it is rainy and cold. I think the highs were only to get into the 50's today.
I agree that we women are smarter when it comes to our bodies - and not just with colds. Men go from "I'b nod sick" to "Honey, call the funeral home and start making the arrangements. I think I'm dying." Poor babies!
At 6:31 PM ,
sophanne said...
The weather is puzzling and changing daily. First it feels like summer, then it smells like fall. Liza's in the closet so there must be a storm a brewing. At school I think everyone is recovering from the more intense than usual effects of last week's full moon. Maybe the blogiverse is doing the same.
At 10:17 PM ,
Galad said...
Glad you are a little better today. It is beautiful weather in Arizona right now. Days still warm but not oppressive and cool comfortable evenings. Lovely
At 4:48 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
And even when they're too sick to comprehend the world around them and get that quizzical look on their faces, they still get up and go to work. It's not until someone sits on them and says NO. STAY. that they stay still.
I'm glad you are feeling better. Personally, I think Woman colds tend to be more intense and more frequent. We tend to spend more time with the germ carriers all day.
At 5:01 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
We have our days. Some are warm and bright, others are windy and rainy. But all come with a lovely sunrise.
At 9:33 AM ,
maryjeanandben@yahoo.com said...
The best leaf color in WEst Linn is at Albertson's parking lot, 10th near 205. Glorious!
At 11:48 AM ,
tlbw said...
Once again it appears my spouse and I are out of sync...
P. judges his energy carefully and is proactive about extra sleep, while disdaining all nursing-type attention. My "woman-sick" model is "people depend on me and therefore I have to keep functioning"- which doesn't earn much compassion from him. But it is hard to change the model with which you grew up. And let's face it, when you have a baby or small child, you do have to get up and keep functioning!
At 3:35 PM ,
andrea said...
Since I so resembled your comment on Murr Brewster's blog post on height I had to visit. And I will have to visit again! (And I have a different perspective on the Man Cold. Something about a world full of mama's boys... :) )
At 3:50 PM ,
Lyssa said...
Things are going pretty well, though I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm developing one of those colds.
You can see some October sunshine on my new blog's first post! I quit facebook, so I decided to get old school and start blogging again.
At 7:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
We missed you today. Hope your nose has stopped running, but isn't so plugged up you eyes are ready to pop.
The last Apple update ate the wonderful pictures I took of you, so I'm going to photoshop some off your site. Hold onto your bonnet. The only photoshop skillo level I have is "Crappy."
At 8:01 PM ,
Rose L said...
Today it was overcast but the fall colors on the trees was so brilliant!
At 4:23 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I think DH was partly right... sometimes I think men might whine more than women!
And it's bright and clear and beautiful here:-)
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