lost my - - - round things - you play with them on the ground - -
- -Marbles! Yes, I've lost my marbles. I've lost everythiing in the unpacking, including my will to laundry. I spent an hour on my knees scraping cat shit off the floor because I wouldn't allow our cat-sitter to deal with the temper tantrums of the crap-weasles who wanted to punish us for going away. Next time - corks all around! BAD kitties!
We rolled out at five AM and caught our 6:40 train, got settled and admired the high class graffiti those polite Canadians have. The rudest word I saw was "Crap" in shades of pink and burgundy with silver highlighting. And "Kemel is a winker," or perhaps it was "wenker" Hard to tell with that elaborate multi-colored script. Mostly it was just names. I think.
This is a view from our train window. The train trip was so delightful. We were in business class, so we got the wifi and electric outlet, and very comfy seats. If you take this train, be sure to ask to be on the water side of the carriage.
When not enjoying views of Puget Sound, we enjoyed pastoral scenes.
Lots of water and lots of clouds. Occasional sun, but mostly clouds.
And trees coming into leaf. It was soporific. DH and I napped. So did everyone else on the car. Soooo peaceful.
As we were coming in to Portland, it was a delight to see the West hills leafing out between the evergreens. It's so verdant here!
We just caught the light rail and jumped on without buying tickets. So DH, being the honorable man that he is, bought the tickets when we arrived. I love him SO much!!
We stopped for food on the way home, dragged our suitcases and weary carcasses through the door at 5PM, and I was headed for the bath within half an hour.
So today I get to come back to reality.And why didn't I think to throw out the chili and hoagy rolls before we left? I don't know whether to scrape or comb them. On the plus side, our cat stitter left us Mother'sDay balloons! And it was so good to be back in our bed with our kitties again. I have had three furry shadows purring at me all morning long. Guess I can forgive their shitty response to being left at home. It's not like we'll take them next time, but I can forgive them this time around.
The October cruise is booked already.
We just caught the light rail and jumped on without buying tickets. So DH, being the honorable man that he is, bought the tickets when we arrived. I love him SO much!!
We stopped for food on the way home, dragged our suitcases and weary carcasses through the door at 5PM, and I was headed for the bath within half an hour.
So today I get to come back to reality.And why didn't I think to throw out the chili and hoagy rolls before we left? I don't know whether to scrape or comb them. On the plus side, our cat stitter left us Mother'sDay balloons! And it was so good to be back in our bed with our kitties again. I have had three furry shadows purring at me all morning long. Guess I can forgive their shitty response to being left at home. It's not like we'll take them next time, but I can forgive them this time around.
The October cruise is booked already.
At 5:11 PM ,
LA said...
Isn't it funny that regardless of the wonderful trip you had, it is so much more WONDERFUL to sleep in your own bed!
At 5:49 PM ,
Willow said...
You are making me want to go on a similar cruise! I like the idea of the CHEAP one way short cruise. Details?
At 8:00 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
It was probably "wanker". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanker
I wonder if one of the kids would change the mats if I bought days of the week ones? :-/
At 5:19 AM ,
Benita said...
Wow! I never considered a cruise before, mostly because I hate sand and beaches because they are boring after the first 5 minutes (oh, look hon, more sand!), but one along the upper western part of the US (and maybe up to Alaska) sounds very nice indeed! I can't wait to see where you go in October and what you see.
At 5:52 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
Maybe kemmel is a wanker?
I have decided I love train rides as long as the train's not too crowded. It's so relaxing and you have to just sit and look out the window. Tough, really tough.
I'm sure the cats are very glad you're home and can be a constant source of affection and food again.
At 6:13 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
What a lovely trip. May have to go with you sometime.
At 5:48 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
They DO get upset when you're gone. I love your trips--they sound fun and peaceful, and Puget sound is about one of my most favoritist places in the whole world. Poor kitties--thought Mom had deserted them!
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