AssWatch Wednesday
DH and I were in this lovely pub in Vancouver, having lunch, and I notice the bartender had a nice southern exposure, so I said, "I'm going to ask the beertender if I can take a picture of his backside." DH, being the wonderful man that he is, said "Go ahead."
I went to the bar and he came over, smiling kindly at me. "I would like to ask you to do me a favor," I said tohim, lying cheerfully through my teeth. "I belong to a knitting group. We call ourselves'the Bad Grannies.' Whoever posts a picture of the best bum on Ass Watch Wednesday gets free Margaritas at our monthly meeting. May I take a picture of yours?"
Looking quite puzzled he said, "There are some really interesting bums out on the street."in an American accent. Then the penny dropped. He blushed. "Oh, you ARE bad Grannies!" Then he turned and flexed obligingly.
I didn't even tip him. What a BAD granny I am!
At 10:02 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
Ha ha ha ha you ARE a bad grannie!
At 12:31 PM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Wait... You're not really a Granny...
At 6:42 PM ,
Heide said...
Snort, giggle! The joke's on him too because you aren't even a granny! I wonder what else this feller would have agreed to do?
At 10:49 PM ,
Rose L said...
LOL. Roxie, you sly vixen! You may have started a trend,...or at least given all the sensual ladies an excuse for a perfect posterior shot!
At 5:42 AM ,
Maggie said...
I can't believe you didn't tip him! He poses his butt for you, and you don't compensate him?! But maybe it's better for his future... never posed for money!
At 12:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You may not be a "granny" but you are a fox! What a pick up line, though, of course, DH will only go so far to humor you. Bad Granny! Good blog! Alice Lynn
At 5:46 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
LOL-- awesome story-- and awesome ass:)
At 12:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Can Ass Wednesday become a regular part of your blog?
At 11:03 PM ,
Tara said...
There is only one Roxie! You made my day.
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