For breakfast today I had leftover tea re-heated in the microwave, and left-over oatmeal cookies. I began putting things away, and as I tidied up, I found the presents basket. To start this whole gifting arrangement, I "salted" the basket with three gifts (leaning heavily toward chocolate) and after everyone left a present and taken a present, there was one for me ( a wonderful Japanese "useful" piece of fabric which can be a scarf, a package wrap, wall decor, a placemat or table runner or . . . quick - think of ten things you can do with a piece of fabric 24 inches square and neatly hemmed on all sides.
And then I found the presents leftover. If I were virtuous, I would find a more equitable way of distributing the wealth. I ain't virtuous. I kept 'em! But I think people went far over the $5 limit I had put on gifting. Look, look! A tea apron - hand embroidered gingham! Isn't this just awesome? Wish I knew who had contributed this because it just makes my eyes skarkle, and I want to gush appropriately.
Looky there! Someone spent hours carefully placing each and every cross stitch to make those pretty flowers. It's SO wonderful!
And after squeeing over the hand embroidered apron (with a pocket - every apron should have at least one pocket!) I opened the other leftover gift and found potholders. hand made potholders. See that colorful graphic potholder with the squares and triangles? It's pieced! It's made with itty bitty bits of fabric sewn together with astounding straight seams. The other potholder inspires me toward a Christmas present blitz. It's a pretty print neatly trimmed and seamed, with a hand-croched hanging loop. I need new potholders, but these are almost too nice to use!
And BethieM made door prizes which we didn't get around to distributing. Maybe next month? Those are still neatly wrapped because I know who to give them back to if I can make myself let go.
Today is the big push to finish the re-writes. I may have to take a couple hours for a grocery run as well. DH has been knocked down by the rhino that got me two weeks ago, and will, I hope, just stay in bed till he feels better. But we need groceries. Usually we go together, he drives the cart, I tag along enjoying the outing. If I have to shop by myself, I prefer to go when the store is less crowded. Sunday after church, the store will be crammed with large families, but we need a few essential items and what are ya gonna do? There are the senior citizens who wander away from their carts with the purse wide open in the baby seat. I want to sew the darn purse to her coat sleeve! People will steal your wallet, ma'am! There are the women wearing what I can only assume are pajama bottoms, with flip-flops,an unzipped hoody, multiple tattoos, piercings, and hair done in that blonde on top, black underneath technique and styled into a ponytail that looks like it has been slept in all week. They tend to park in the middle of an intersection of four aisles and block traffic while they go through pockets and purse looking for that damn shopping list. And there's aslways that one poor man with four little kids who are running wild, swarming all over the store, opening bags of candy, pitching fits because he won't let them have have sodas RIGHT NOW and generally making a strong statement for birth control. With DH in charge, I can happily sit back and observe. When it's up to me to negotiate this minefield, I want a flamethrower and an armored personnel carrier. And what's with the woman who brings her chihuahua into the store in her purse because, "He hates to be left behind." Would you rat on her? I sure do!
And then I found the presents leftover. If I were virtuous, I would find a more equitable way of distributing the wealth. I ain't virtuous. I kept 'em! But I think people went far over the $5 limit I had put on gifting. Look, look! A tea apron - hand embroidered gingham! Isn't this just awesome? Wish I knew who had contributed this because it just makes my eyes skarkle, and I want to gush appropriately.
Looky there! Someone spent hours carefully placing each and every cross stitch to make those pretty flowers. It's SO wonderful!
And after squeeing over the hand embroidered apron (with a pocket - every apron should have at least one pocket!) I opened the other leftover gift and found potholders. hand made potholders. See that colorful graphic potholder with the squares and triangles? It's pieced! It's made with itty bitty bits of fabric sewn together with astounding straight seams. The other potholder inspires me toward a Christmas present blitz. It's a pretty print neatly trimmed and seamed, with a hand-croched hanging loop. I need new potholders, but these are almost too nice to use!
And BethieM made door prizes which we didn't get around to distributing. Maybe next month? Those are still neatly wrapped because I know who to give them back to if I can make myself let go.
Today is the big push to finish the re-writes. I may have to take a couple hours for a grocery run as well. DH has been knocked down by the rhino that got me two weeks ago, and will, I hope, just stay in bed till he feels better. But we need groceries. Usually we go together, he drives the cart, I tag along enjoying the outing. If I have to shop by myself, I prefer to go when the store is less crowded. Sunday after church, the store will be crammed with large families, but we need a few essential items and what are ya gonna do? There are the senior citizens who wander away from their carts with the purse wide open in the baby seat. I want to sew the darn purse to her coat sleeve! People will steal your wallet, ma'am! There are the women wearing what I can only assume are pajama bottoms, with flip-flops,an unzipped hoody, multiple tattoos, piercings, and hair done in that blonde on top, black underneath technique and styled into a ponytail that looks like it has been slept in all week. They tend to park in the middle of an intersection of four aisles and block traffic while they go through pockets and purse looking for that damn shopping list. And there's aslways that one poor man with four little kids who are running wild, swarming all over the store, opening bags of candy, pitching fits because he won't let them have have sodas RIGHT NOW and generally making a strong statement for birth control. With DH in charge, I can happily sit back and observe. When it's up to me to negotiate this minefield, I want a flamethrower and an armored personnel carrier. And what's with the woman who brings her chihuahua into the store in her purse because, "He hates to be left behind." Would you rat on her? I sure do!
At 7:43 AM ,
LA said...
The present basket is a charming idea!!! It sounds like you were left with some treasures. I usually run in & out of the grocery store...I don't even get a buggy unless I'm getting something heavy! I really dread the BIG shopping days when you know it's going to be an accident waiting to happen!
At 7:44 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
10 things to make with a hemmed 24" piece of fabric?
1- A kerchief to hold back your long silver locks
2- A handkerchief to dab away those tears from watching a romantic movie on Valentine's Day
3- A liner for a basket of fresh baked treats
4-A sack, tied to a stick, so you can become a hobo for a day
5-A beautiful center square on a table set with beautiful fine tea cups
6-A head rest cover on the back of your seat on the railroad as it travels down the coast
7-A stage curtain on your next puppet theater for the local children
8-A scarf, folded on the diagonal, and worn about the neck, held in place with a beautiful cloisonne broach
9-A lap cloth to hold your fine spinning fiber as you sit at your spinning wheel
10-Folded on point and draped across the valence curtain rod in a picture window for a dash of color
How was that?
At 1:58 PM ,
Heide said...
I ventured out this morning right after 7:00 am. I'm a morning person and crowds cause panic attacks so it is the only time I can go, get what I need and return home relatively sane. The pot holders and aprons are exquisite! And who better to use them than the hostess with the mostess? It was meant to be. Your husband is a saint for doing shopping when health permits. Mine would feed the family on cereal for weeks on end if it were up to him.
At 2:34 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I love the apron. I have a wip bag of embroidery as well as knitting. I enjoy embroidery and it's often my summer go to craft when it's too to hold the wool.
I was supposed to do the shopping today as well but put it off until tomorrow. We have staples in the house and will be fine until we get to the store. In fact, I just put a pork roast in the oven with potatoes, onions and black olives and garlic. It's starting to smell really good.
I hope the dh feels better soon. This being sick stuff sucks. I slept for an hour and a half this afternoon and my eyes are drooping again. Work should be interesting tomorrow with no nap time.
At 3:43 PM ,
Tina Birch said...
Your tea party sounded wonderful! And, I completely agree with you about grocery shopping. I usually plug into my mp3 player with earbuds to make the experience tolerable.
At 3:59 PM ,
Benita said...
Squee away, girl - those are some awesome gifts! I agree, every apron needs at least one pocket - I prefer two and a jumbo loop to hand a dishtowel through. I'm a messy cook.
At 8:46 PM ,
tlbw said...
I showed off my present from the party at a church retreat/work day today. The knitters in attendance were suitably awed by S. L-S's gorgeous drop-spindle spun yarn. The Portland area garden fans among you will be pleased to know that out at Elk Rock, crocus, hellebore, snowdrops, camellias, garrya (sp.?), witch hazel, and ranuculus are in bloom - and I didn't even go outside, that was what I could see from the windows of the Close (the Episcopal Diocesan offices are in the old Kerr family house at Elk Rock Gardens.)
Thanks again, Roxie, for a delightful morning!
At 6:12 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Nice haul!
We tend to shop every Sunday morning while everyone is in church.
At 7:21 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
I am enchanted by that apron, I really really am. And I'm a nightmare in the supermarket--that's why I always go to the same one, so I'm not lost, and Mate takes the kids so I don't have to deal with them!
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