We strolled a few quiet blocks down to Duke's Canoe Club for their buffet breakfast. It's open air, right on Waikiki beach. Of course, being open air. Anything can fly in. Duke's has a full complement of bus-pigeons who clean the floors and chairs and tables of any abandoned crumbs and scrappets. Here is one on patrol in the buffet line.
We got omlets and bacon and coffeecake and fruit and I also had a slice of french toast, and DH got more fruit. As we were sitting at our table, the pigeons would waddle right between our feet on crumb patrol. Finally, my inner predator could no longer resist, and I grabbed one. Of course it crapped copiously on the floor and of course I let it go right away, hearing in my head, my mother's voice saying, "Go wash your hands. You don't know where that bird has been!" The pigeon then fluttered to the top of one of the thatched umbrellas and spent the next ten minutes grooming its feathers and giving me the stink-eye. It may not have been wise to piss off a pigeon. They have so many relatives.

Here's Roxie, well fed and happy, knitting at Duke's.

We walked back alon the beach (which is erroding away. They have to bring in bargeloads of sand to keep Waikiki from washing into the ocean.) We passed the Royal Hawaiian, which has been a landmark since the fifties. Also known as "The Pink Princess."

We passed tourists. How now, brown frau?

And were passed by - well - he's about 80, reasonably fit, and the speedo is the snuggest fitting thing on his body - including his skin.

Hawaiian Christmas decor - glittery antheriums.

Hawaiian snack food. Smoked rubberbands? Well - - I bet they're really chewy.

Papayas for Willow - at the corner ABC store. ABC stores are ubiquitous in Hawaii. They are the 7-11 of the tropics. They sell EVERYTHING! Asprins and flip-flops and aloha shirts and t-shirts and food and makeup and, well, if you think you might need it, I think they might have it.

As we walked along the beach, we saw this lei floating in the water. I think the old legend is that, as you depart, you float a lei on the waves to ensure that you can return.

My favorite lay on the beach.
At 1:23 PM ,
tlbwest said...
O Tannin'bum indeed. Do not emulate, Roxie. Really bad for you - she'll be old before her time, while we Western Oregon rosebuds, protected by hats, sunscreen, and a moist climate, stay young and fresh (right.)
Rubberbands - must be dried squid?
Verification word is "coacks" - isn't that what Aristophanes's frogs say? Ribbit to you too...
At 1:46 PM ,
Rose L said...
OMG!!! The wrong people wear the wrong things on the beach!! (What is that girl thinking!?? She must see herself in one of those figure-changing mirrors!!)
And baking your skin to a brown color simply makes you age faster!!
Be creful of those pigeons or you will end up with some unwanted pigeon gel in your hair--or food!!!
Are you going to go snorkling???
What islands you visiting??
At 4:16 PM ,
Ruth said...
And to think that I was basking in our 60 degree temps today!
"How now, brown frau?" -- you crack me up!
At 5:48 PM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
Love pics, as always, Roxie. BTW, I once had a boss (female) who called those anthuriums "Penis on a Platter". It always stuck in my head and comes back every time I see them; now it's stuck in yours, too. ;)~
At 6:25 PM ,
Willow said...
Oh Yeah! Papayas! And they're the yellow ones; they're WAY better than the red ones! (but smaller)
At 8:59 PM ,
Galad said...
My daughter chased the pigeons around San Francisco yelling, "Fly fat ass, fly!" Way too much Jay and Silent Bob in her past.
Great pictures - keep em coming
At 9:38 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Honey, I'm enjoying your vacation vicariously... the beach alone makes me feel warmer and more relaxed!
At 7:16 AM ,
Heide said...
Your sunny, warm photos are comforting (even with scantily-clad tourists). The winds are howling through the gorge right now and here is a weather alert for your home region. You may wish to prolong your vacation.
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