After changing the air in my head
First of all, apologies to KnitTech whom I mis-called KitKatKnit in the last post. If I get much more fluffy-minded, I'm going to need to hire a strict little girl to travel around with me and remind me what I'm doing, where I'm going, and what my own name is.
So, a poem for KnitTech
Hear not the siren song of donuts -
gummy lumps of sticky grease.
Nor heed the hoochy-coo of gravy,
shimmying to shake your peace.
Cling to carrots. They're your buddies.
Skinless chicken is your friend.
Oatmeal gets your through the morning.
Bacon gets you in the end.
Now your clothes are getting looser,
and your step will lighter grow
Soon your heart will beat like new, sir.
YOu can do it. Go, girl! Go!!
Poem for Donna Lee
Thinking good thoughts is a sane way to live.
Karmically speaking, you get what you give.
Look for the blessing behind every cloud
and count all the blessings that you are allowed.
Navajos believe, if you try, you will find,
You can't change the world, but you CAN change your mind.
And last, but certainly not least, a poem for Janette who lives in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and is, to use probably wildly antiquated slang, bonzer!
For Janette
My friends sends me pressies. She sent a chocolate bilby.
She's sent me lovely tea cups and the yummiest of yarns.
My friend calls long distance - often from tomorrow.
If I listed all her virtues they would likely fill a barn!
My friend knits in colors, wonderful and vibrant.
She even has a book out sharing some of her designs.
She's dinky-di and good-o, and I hope to go and see her.
And I'm very very proud to know that she's a friend of mine.
Now, I have to finish the craft project for Lyssa, and get these into boxes, and I'm free to be a virtual dandelion clock ready for my mind to be scattered by the next wind or puffing toddler.
At 6:50 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
Nothin' wrong with being scattered. It's the sign of a creative mind. That's what I tell myself all the time.
At 9:18 AM ,
Willow said...
And remember that DH will always be there behind you to grab the parachutes.
At 2:42 PM ,
Galad said...
I wonder where the wind will blow you? Someplace magical for sure.
At 6:32 PM ,
Heide said...
I am quite proficient at growing dandelions. My girls love to make wishes and I always tell them to "share with the neighbors!" Heh, heh, heh.
At 4:03 PM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
OH, it will matche my decor wonderfully! My family room (where I knit and spin most) is terra cotta and chocolate brown with African decor; this will be a PURRRFECT addition; lol! And I will think my wonderfuly friend every time I use it!
At 3:34 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Thank you for the poem! Like the tea cozy! Nice Autumn day colors.
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