up the wall
DH likes a bedroom that is quiet and quite dark. Our bedroom faces east and is on the side nearest the street. For several years we struggled with various curtains, none of which truely gave satisfaction. Then, at an estate sale, I saw this rug at a good price, just the right color for the bedroom. And, as I eyed it, just about the right size, too. I nailed it up on the wall over the window. Perfect. And it makes the room look wayyy cool, too!

And then our little amazon, Pepper, got into one of her wild fits when she was racing madly around the house, leaping furniture, assaulting bookshelves, and . . . climbing the walls. I'm just not fast enough to catch her on the way up, but when she reaches the ceiling, she pauses briefly to consider her dismount, and I was able to snap this shot. (Her legs are getting longer. One of these days she's going to be able to hurl herself onto the bed from ceiling height.I should have named her Xena. She's fearless!!)

And Ben, being the good littel copy cat, followed her example, but a little more circumspectly. He made it to the ceiling, then carefully lowered himself back down. Swear to God, these cats are better than Prozac.
Busy day today. We are going to a solar fair. It's all about power generation, not about celebrating the equinox. Tally ho!
And then our little amazon, Pepper, got into one of her wild fits when she was racing madly around the house, leaping furniture, assaulting bookshelves, and . . . climbing the walls. I'm just not fast enough to catch her on the way up, but when she reaches the ceiling, she pauses briefly to consider her dismount, and I was able to snap this shot. (Her legs are getting longer. One of these days she's going to be able to hurl herself onto the bed from ceiling height.I should have named her Xena. She's fearless!!)
And Ben, being the good littel copy cat, followed her example, but a little more circumspectly. He made it to the ceiling, then carefully lowered himself back down. Swear to God, these cats are better than Prozac.
Busy day today. We are going to a solar fair. It's all about power generation, not about celebrating the equinox. Tally ho!
At 8:38 AM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
LOL!! Fantastic cat photos!
At 9:40 AM ,
Willow said...
persian rugs for curtains
bionic kittens
I love your house, Roxie!
I look forward to a report on the solar generation fair. Solar power has always been an interest of mine.
At 9:52 AM ,
Shan said...
Oh that is so funny. They are such cuties.
At 6:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Amazing cats -- to match an amazing Roxie.
Do let us know what you learn / are inspired by at the solar fair. We were thinking very hard about putting up solar panels on our house. There are great rebates but we still can't quite afford the initial outlay. But it's SOOOOO tempting.
At 12:04 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Those are such awesome pictures...they're almost like Hollywood climbing the wall pix, but they're reversed...
At 12:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, man... With her foreleg stretched out like that, Pepper would make such a lolcat pic! "Dis wayz up, see?" Or think of the marketing possibilities:
The newest exercise experience for your cat! Does your energetic kitty drive you up the walls? Let her go up the wall instead, with the amazing CatClimber Exercise System, the curtain your cats are supposed to climb! Healthy kitty exercise, no damage to frail curtains, plus the added assurance of a quiet, cosily dark bedroom. Only $598.58 + $45 S&H. Salespersons are standing by now; call and order your CatClimber today!
Disclaimers, warnings and fine print: CatClimbers Ltd. is not responsible for sleep lost due to cats exercising at night. You may experience the occasional impact of a free-falling cat if your pet abruptly changes its mind about staying on the CatClimber. Your purchase of a CatClimber Exercise System absolves CatClimbers Ltd. from liability for personal injury; interrupted sleep; sudden jolts; claw penetration; or any and all possible side effects of the giddiness that climbing a wall may induce in your cat(s), pursuant to Section Z302(j) of the California "Who, Us? We Didn't Tell You To Do Anything Stupid Like That" legal code. No warrantees, refunds or returns if not satisfied, don't call us, we'll call you, and don't bother trying to track us down, we're based on an anonymous offshore island in the Caribbean somewhere, good luck finding and suing us, haha.
Stellar business opportunity there, I'm tellin' ya.
At 6:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
OMG, only at Roxie's house could all of these details come together in such a perfect way. We're both laughing at these photos. TOO priceless.
And you don't need solar energy when you have these two around. Cat Power!
At 12:25 PM ,
Lucia said...
Can't. stop. giggling.
At 10:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I was just telling a coworker about these photos, and had to bring her over to show her. LAUGHING!
At 10:19 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
And Monica's answer was HILARIOUS!!!! Excellent! Can't improve on that!!!
At 12:39 AM ,
Denise said...
Cats are coming out of the walls, aaaargh! LOL!
At 1:55 PM ,
Carol said...
Oh my gosh, I needed this laugh this morning, this is too darn funny. What energetic kitties you have.
At 8:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
This is great info to know.
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