Yay for Wanietta ( )and the Toronto Spiders, winners of the worldwide Back to Back challenge who took the wool from a sheep's back and turned it into a grownup sweater in 6 hrs and 18 seconds!! Waaahooo!!!Wanietta is the fastest knitter in North America so no doubt had a great deal to do with the team success. Woop, woop! Go Spiders!!
Meanwhile, back on the home front, it is strawberry season again. The local Hood berry is unsurpassed for tender, succulent sweetness. It is much too fragile to travel well, and the season is short. The only way you will be able to enjoy them is to come for a visit in early June. Then we can go out to the farm, buy a couple of flats of berries, eat a few pints on the way home, then make indecently rich shortcake, take it hot from the oven, split and butter it, and pile on the un-sugared berries. It's a tiny foretaste of heaven.
DH and I usually spend Sunday morning with breakfast, the papers, and cuddllng in bed. Here is a shot of today's breakfast. Oatmeal to counter the cholesterol of the bacon. And, since he doesn't care for strawberries, they're all for me!! 
I promised to wear my blue cotton tank top to the Harlot on Friday night. When I took it off the blocking board, well, you can see why I didn't. The dark blue is bamboo and tencell. Everything else is cotton. Now there's a place for assymetry, and there's a certain charm to quirkiness, but this looks as if it were designed for a rather chichi Quasimodo. Changes must be made. Tomorrow, I will document them. (Rip and re-knit? Are you nuts? No way!!)
At 11:33 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
Thanks Roxie!!
We really went into it with a serious attitude and with some new strategiew and it paid off! And while we'll basking in this Golden Glow for awhile, but with the 2nd & 3rd place teams not too far behind and the world record pace only an hour and 10 minutes faster, we don't have a lot of time to rest on our laurels. Don't tell anyone, but we're actually working on some technique mods for next year!
At 3:35 PM ,
Norma said...
Oh, that is just SO FUNNY. Quasimodo....Heeeee!
At 7:27 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Wow... Rock On Wannietta... and, ah, if that Quasimodo is too chi-chi, guess what's going to need some sanctuary!!
At 12:56 AM ,
Denise said...
Oooh strawberry shortcake, swoon....
That speed record is just astonishing 0_o ! How DO they do it?!
At 2:31 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Roxie! How could you do it? My blood runs cold at the thought. You truly are a woman of "fibre" to havr the guts to do that!
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