Sunday fun
Lots of flower merchants were displaying their wares. This was one of the prettiest.
A guy came through with his two Persian cats in a nifty pet-stroller, but being cats,they refused to pose. They curled up in the back of the carrier and snarled, "Talk to the butt."
And there was a Bluegrass muscian playing some truely toe-tapping music. The young lady absolutely couldn't hold still!
As you can see, it was warm and sunny. But, since this IS RoseFestival Week, the mandatory rain system has blown in, and we are looking for showers and 60degree temperatures until after the big Rose Parade on Saturday. I can remember five Rose Parades when it didn't rain, and one of those, in 1980, had an ashfall from Mt. St. Helens. The ash clogged the air-intakes on the floats, and they all wound up being towed. Luckily, there were enough tow-trucks in the city. And everyone watching had to wear particle masks to avoid inhaling the silica ash, but by golly, people STILL turned out to cheer the parade!
Tomorrow, knitting content. I give my word. Well, tomorrow if the computer doesn't break. It's been acting up.
At 8:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
What a great outing, thanks for posting it. And I remember the ash-fall, I had friends living out that way when it happened. (I even had a bar of soap made from the ash.)
But those tomatoes, I WANT THEM! I was just over at Norma's bemoaning the lack of good toms around these parts.
At 9:21 AM ,
Lucia said...
"Talk to the butt" has me cracking up! That is just so feline.
At 10:24 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
OKay...your life looks so colorful next to weekends are all 'errands errands errands'--yours are all 'rose festivals and trips through goddess' country...' I MUST come visit in Oregon!!!
At 1:25 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I love farmers' markets!! I don't understand why grocery chains can't/don't carry more fresh. local produce when it's available. That's just another one of my pet peeves - lol!
At 3:27 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
I LOVE home-killed tomatoes, as my SIL calls them. In another week (or so) we'll (maybe) have fresh to-mah-toes in our local farmers market. Now I'm craving a BLT with lots of onions and tomatoes. Mmmmm
At 12:26 AM ,
Denise said...
The markets look just wonderful - LOVE "proper" tomatoes, too :)
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