we got snow

This is one of the best snowstorms we have had in years. This is the back yard.

This is the front yard. I am already sick, sick, sick of white, white, white. Yes, there is a stark beauty to all this. I don't appreciate it.

Wonder why?

Fly bugged and nagged and cried at me untill I finally let him out. It wasn't what he had expected.

We did this several times until I got sufficiently fed up and tossed him into the snow. Not a happy kitty!! However, he decided to be content with life inside after that.

Lucia requested a picture of the vest I was wearing day before. Here 'tis. Stockinette in one piece up to the armholes, split without decreasing, sew shoulder seams, pick up around the armhole and work a few inches of seed stitch. Pick up aall around the fronts,neck, and bottom, and work a few inches of ribbing. There was extra yarn, so I added pockets. Oh, gosh I do love this vest. It goes with everything I own, it's warm and comfy, it covers my butt, and it has pockets!!

Of course, being stuck at home does have its advantages. YOu can hang out in your bathrobe and get some knitting done. I finished a pair of fingerless gloves for young Stoss who is, at age 20, supporting his mother and younger sister. He works with DH. I think he is a worthy young man!!
At 12:17 PM ,
Lucia said...
Nice ensemble! And the vest definitely deserved its own pic.
At 2:53 PM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
Lucky you - a snow day! It's just cold here...
The pictures on KGW last night of the car sliding into 15 other cars on 21st and Salmon....friend of my dads was the driver (or Not) ...and my nieces who were at the Multhomah Club when it all started, are the ones who called 911 - their comment was "The EMT's were so HOT!" Don't you love it!!
At 4:21 PM ,
Pat K said...
I love the cat posing behind Mommie in the picture! And you can send some of the white white white this way, I'll take it for a day or two!
At 6:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Those are great snow pics. I take it you don't get much snow out that way, huh?
The cats pics are cute, especially the one with the glowing eyes behind you in the last pic!
At 10:36 PM ,
Janette said...
Oh Roxi, you are just as I remember you when I say you last for all of 5 minutes! That fabulous smile to go with your fabulous personality. I'm gonna have to come to the States and spend some time with you and stuff up a week with knitting chat, visiting a million yarn stores (like you want to do that with me right?), and whatever else I can think of.
What on earth the boys would do is beyond me, but I'd be happy!!!
ps: the kitty behind you is looking rather puzzled.
At 8:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The kitty story is so funny--doesn't it feel like 1/2 your life with kitties is 'put me out, let me in, put me out, let me in...'--getting tossed into the snow is a good way to end that. did you notice the kitty behind you in the picture? She's looking very put out that she's not the focus of attention...
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