After the dentist
Like many people, I don't enjoy going to the dentist. Just the word "Dentist" turns my mind into a chainlink fence through which the ferrets of information scurry at will. I may remember that I have an appointment at 9 AM, but forget which day. And I forget where I wrote it down. And I can't find the office phone number to call and ask. My dentist is so accustomed to people like me that they call the night before to remind me. I then write it in lipstick on the bathroom mirror so I can't avoid seeing it, thereby trapping a few of the more vital informational ferrets till I no longer need them. I have not, yet forgotten how to get to the office, but that always remains an option.
I have good teeth, but have reached an age where gingivitus threatens. Gingivitus is this disease where your teeth are fine, but your gums have to come out. So I am good about thourough brushing, and try to be good about flossing. And I was so good about enduring my cleaning yesterday! While the nice young lady was stabbing my mouth with sharp stainless steel picks and probes and pointy things, I did not cry or scream or bite her even a little. Not once!
Afterwards, I felt I deserved a treat. they don't hand out lolipops at the dentist anymore, so I took myself out for a cup of tea and a scone at the LYS. and I bought three skeins of turquoise blue Cascade wool for hat and scarf for Miz G. More fat yarn for fast, fast knitting! Wheee!!
(Envision three soft, yummy skeins like spun bits of really expensive Persian turquoises, draped artistically across a few golden Bigleaf Maple leaves for contrast. Darn!! I wish I could post pictures!!)
Then I picked up our cruise documents (Roxie dancing with glee) and drove home past Trader Joes where I decided to pick up some yogurt cheese for lunch. and as long as I was there, since I had been so good at the dentist, I deserved another treat. I got myself a bag of carmel waffle cookies. And three kinds of almonds for the knitting group tomorrow. Really. (I just have to taste them to make sure they will all work together.) then I stopped at Costco to pick up some photos, and as long as I was there . . . Let's say it's just a darn good thing that Costco doesn't carry gorgeous wool yarns at bulk-discount prices because I can not resist saving money on things I never knew I needed!!
And when I got home, there was a call from the boss telling me that we now have another part-timer to fill in, and I don't have to go to work until they call me in. WOOHOO!! time to finish the kingsize quilt cover before the bed gets here! Time to clean the house properly before the knitters get here. Time to bake goodies without getting up at oh-dark-thirty on Saturday morning and heating the oven for the marathon bake-off.
And then, I got this e-mail from Julielovestoknit with whom I've been corresponding for the past few months, and it turns out that we went to highschool together! Check it out on her blog.'s a small world after all! (Now, try and get that tune out of your head for the next two weeks.)
I will probably not have time to blog on Saturday, so on Sunday, I will give you the rundown of the knitting party. I'll be finishing the hot sunny hat and starting a scarf to match.
I have good teeth, but have reached an age where gingivitus threatens. Gingivitus is this disease where your teeth are fine, but your gums have to come out. So I am good about thourough brushing, and try to be good about flossing. And I was so good about enduring my cleaning yesterday! While the nice young lady was stabbing my mouth with sharp stainless steel picks and probes and pointy things, I did not cry or scream or bite her even a little. Not once!
Afterwards, I felt I deserved a treat. they don't hand out lolipops at the dentist anymore, so I took myself out for a cup of tea and a scone at the LYS. and I bought three skeins of turquoise blue Cascade wool for hat and scarf for Miz G. More fat yarn for fast, fast knitting! Wheee!!
(Envision three soft, yummy skeins like spun bits of really expensive Persian turquoises, draped artistically across a few golden Bigleaf Maple leaves for contrast. Darn!! I wish I could post pictures!!)
Then I picked up our cruise documents (Roxie dancing with glee) and drove home past Trader Joes where I decided to pick up some yogurt cheese for lunch. and as long as I was there, since I had been so good at the dentist, I deserved another treat. I got myself a bag of carmel waffle cookies. And three kinds of almonds for the knitting group tomorrow. Really. (I just have to taste them to make sure they will all work together.) then I stopped at Costco to pick up some photos, and as long as I was there . . . Let's say it's just a darn good thing that Costco doesn't carry gorgeous wool yarns at bulk-discount prices because I can not resist saving money on things I never knew I needed!!
And when I got home, there was a call from the boss telling me that we now have another part-timer to fill in, and I don't have to go to work until they call me in. WOOHOO!! time to finish the kingsize quilt cover before the bed gets here! Time to clean the house properly before the knitters get here. Time to bake goodies without getting up at oh-dark-thirty on Saturday morning and heating the oven for the marathon bake-off.
And then, I got this e-mail from Julielovestoknit with whom I've been corresponding for the past few months, and it turns out that we went to highschool together! Check it out on her blog.'s a small world after all! (Now, try and get that tune out of your head for the next two weeks.)
I will probably not have time to blog on Saturday, so on Sunday, I will give you the rundown of the knitting party. I'll be finishing the hot sunny hat and starting a scarf to match.
At 10:58 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
ENjoy your party, Roxie--hopefully, it will be so fun your neuron ferrets will run away with the whole dentist visit... (you went to the dentist? really? you don't remember? Fan-TAST-tic!)
At 2:36 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I suck at remembering to floss, but I get diligent about it about a week before a dental appt.
A cruise - well, you just made me commit envy. Take good pictures - I will need to live vicariously through you!!
At 6:08 AM ,
Lucia said...
Love the info ferrets! My brain is pretty holey most of the time.
If dentists had any sense they would hand out yarn instead of lollipops.
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