too much rich food
Does this count as eye candy?

I was up and down all Saturday night with indigestion. DH and I had Valentine's breakfast at Sully's - Strawberry waffles for him - oatmeal for me. Then we went grocery shopping and discovered that Winco is nearly empty at 9AM on a Sunday. We visited with TY for a while, then had lunch at Rose's by the lloyd Center. DH had pastrami dip. I had matzoh ball soup. Usually I order something more zesty. He took a good look at me aand said, very kindly, "You look tired." I was. We cancelled a date to see Avatar in 3D and went home. I lay down for a nap at 2PM. He came in to check on me a couple of times, woke me to see if I wanted dinner, woke me to kiss me goodnight. I woke up at 5 this morning and I feel SOOO much better. My mouth tasted like The hordes of Ghengis Kahn had driven their Yaks across my tongue, but aside from that, everything is fine today. Off to work! Tra-la!
I was up and down all Saturday night with indigestion. DH and I had Valentine's breakfast at Sully's - Strawberry waffles for him - oatmeal for me. Then we went grocery shopping and discovered that Winco is nearly empty at 9AM on a Sunday. We visited with TY for a while, then had lunch at Rose's by the lloyd Center. DH had pastrami dip. I had matzoh ball soup. Usually I order something more zesty. He took a good look at me aand said, very kindly, "You look tired." I was. We cancelled a date to see Avatar in 3D and went home. I lay down for a nap at 2PM. He came in to check on me a couple of times, woke me to see if I wanted dinner, woke me to kiss me goodnight. I woke up at 5 this morning and I feel SOOO much better. My mouth tasted like The hordes of Ghengis Kahn had driven their Yaks across my tongue, but aside from that, everything is fine today. Off to work! Tra-la!
At 10:37 AM ,
Benita said...
Actually, that sounds like a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon - even if you did have hordes of Yaks visit you in your sleep.
At 10:44 AM ,
Rose L said...
You looked great this morn when I saw you in the testing center!
And LOVED the scarf!
At 2:16 PM ,
Kate said...
Glad you're feeling better! I've been tired all weekend, but then Pizza Hut was getting pillaged by the hordes of Ghengis Khan. I guess that after they plundered our store saturday and sunday, they went to ride across your tongue this morning and then came back to pillage us some more this afternoon.
At 5:01 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Sometimes more sleep is what the doctor ordered. Did you get some Yak wool?
At 1:09 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I'm so glad you're feeling better... but those Yaks must have been very confused!
At 4:55 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I guess all that partying on Saturday caught up with you. I didn't see avatar in 3D, but I loved the movie. I'm not fond of 3D. It makes me dizzy.
It sounds like you did just what your body needed.
At 9:26 AM ,
Alwen said...
Mmmm, gumdrops! Now I want spicy ones.
Glad you're feeling better.
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