Pearl Harbor Day
One of these days, we should all get together at the memorial at Pearl Harbor to show our respect for all the young men who died there.
Then, since we are all going to be in Hawaii anyhow, we may as well go hang out together on Waikiki at Duke's Canoe Club, drink Mai Tais, knit things (in cotton and silk,) and watch the tourists. You'll see straight-laced Japanese buisness men walking on the sand in their thousand dollar suits and shoes. You'll see well fed German men overflowing European Speedos. You'll see beautiful girls in tans and thongs, and buff young men with white, white smiles. And what goes from the color of a cooked flounder to the color of a cooked lobster in one afternoon? A tourist! Then we can take the free buss to Hilo Hattie's factory and buy matching mumus and aloha shirts. Who's with me?
The cold is nearly gone, and the final exams are trickling to a close. Yayyyy!!!
Then, since we are all going to be in Hawaii anyhow, we may as well go hang out together on Waikiki at Duke's Canoe Club, drink Mai Tais, knit things (in cotton and silk,) and watch the tourists. You'll see straight-laced Japanese buisness men walking on the sand in their thousand dollar suits and shoes. You'll see well fed German men overflowing European Speedos. You'll see beautiful girls in tans and thongs, and buff young men with white, white smiles. And what goes from the color of a cooked flounder to the color of a cooked lobster in one afternoon? A tourist! Then we can take the free buss to Hilo Hattie's factory and buy matching mumus and aloha shirts. Who's with me?
The cold is nearly gone, and the final exams are trickling to a close. Yayyyy!!!
At 10:20 AM ,
Lyssa said...
Glad you're feeling better. Hawaii sounds nice, I wanna go!
At 2:15 PM ,
Lucia said...
Did you see the piece in the NYT today about the rebuilding effort to get the fleet back up to strength after Pearl Harbor? It's an amazing story. The Japanese thought they'd put the Pacific Fleet out of commission for at least five years; they were a bit off.
I'm definitely with you on the rest of the tour.
At 8:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
ahhh....Mai Tai's.....
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