I begin to understand
When poets waxed lyrical about the glories of well baked bread, they had to be talking about a rare and uncommon thing. I have thermometers and a temperature controled oven and every modern convenience, and I'm still stuggling with this bread-baking thing. Especially that second rise. (But I gotta tell you, this dense bread is really yummy!) What blows me away is that our foremothers, for millenia, did all their baking in a wood-fired oven with no thermostat. How did they know when it was hot enough? How did they keep it hot enough? No wonder there's all this har-de-har about new brides not being able to turn out a decent meal. This is the sort of thing that would takes years of practice. My Norwegian grandmother was cook for a logging camp, and fed thirty men with what she cooked on a wood stove. I am not fit to wash her pots and pans.
Bread baking has been a humbling experience so far, but I'm not done yet by any means!!
I am, however gaining back the weight I fought to lose. Homemade bead, even indifferent home-made bread, is delicious!!
At 5:02 PM ,
Willow said...
Roxie, Not to worry. You'll soon get the hang of it, the feel of the dough when it has been kneaded enough. I think that Laurel's Kitchen cookbook gives excellent step by step directions to help you make great bread.
At 5:41 PM ,
LA said...
....and when that bread comes right out of the oven, it's HEAVEN!!! I love the smell of bread baking!!!!
At 6:57 PM ,
Galad said...
Homemade bread is the best but does take some practice. As you've already learned, eating the "mistakes" is the best part.
At 7:19 PM ,
sophanne said...
We are on the same page
At 9:19 PM ,
tlbw said...
Come on over sometime when you have a free day and we'll bake bread together. It isn't hard. Truly.
At 7:13 AM ,
Heide said...
I love summers because then I have time to bake fresh bread for my family. The smell of the yeast, the bread baking, etc., they all make the house seem more homey.
At 7:34 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Fresh warm bread. Gotta love it. Keep at it, you'll get it.
At 1:26 PM ,
Alice Lynn said...
Roxie, hold onto your hat! This is a test. If you bring me bread, you will pass.
At 11:22 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
You know about fifteen years ago, my mom offered to buy me a bread machine and I declined (I had no place to put it.) Ah, the follies of youth.
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