Thanksgiving was a carnivore's dream. We joined MJ and RW and their boys, T1 &T2 for roast beef and a turducken. What's a turducken? It's a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. With a bit of bread stuffing crammed in there as well. There were a few incidental vegetables, a couple bottles of wine
and I ate myself into a stupor. Friday - snap back to Weight Watcher's techniques, write down everything I eat, and keep track of the points.
There had been a power outage in our neighborhood, so when we got home, we lighted candles. I have a mirror over the mantle, and I lined up a bunch of candle in front of it, and the lit up the whole living room! DH ran his laptop on bettery power, and I took a bath by the light of one lavender scented candle. Between that and the tryptophan and the dessert wine, I nearly fell asleep in the tub. (Gas water heater. Gas fireplace. Gas stove-top. I have lived through enough ice-storms in this city. As God is my witness, I'll never be frostbit again!) There is something so soothing about candle light. Power came back on about 9PM.
Pretty easy to be moderate on Friday, because we were quite laid-back. We went out for breakfast, and since we were within sight of JoAnne's, and I had coupons, DH agreed to go in with me. If I had just gotten the beads I was headed for, it would have been a quick in and out. But he suggested I might want to get the door-buster specil flannel that was on sale for $1.29 a yard for one day only. And fleece was on sale for $2.99 a yard. So I grabbed some fabric and we got in line. And we stood there and stood there and STOOD there! Some woman was buying entire bolts of flannel and having the clerk cuts them into one yard lengths. She couldn't cut htem herself at home? She had to keep dozens of people standing while the clerk cut and folded for her? We were standing in line about fourty minutes. And she kept sending her husband off to bring back more fabric. DH was about ready to commit mayhem, or at least to say something admonitory about being inconsiderate of everyone else in the store! I kept telling him he could go look around the hardware store or cruise the dollar store or hang out in the car or whatever, but he had his stubborn on, and we would, by God, WAIT on this rude, inconsiderate woman and her embarassed husband. I considered leading a Christmas caroling session to help pass the time, but it takes at least two bold souls to pull off something like that, and I didn't see any other exhibitionists around. There were three other clerks cutting and folding as fast as they could, so finally DH and I skipped past the roadblock. I got my four yards of fleece, and 2 yards each of four pink printed flannels, and we were done in five minutes. I unrolled fabric from one bolt while the clerk was cutting another, then I folded fabric, re-rolled the bolt, and sped the plow as it were. The clerk offered me a job.
We were going to hunt the wilely Christmas tree, but it was rainy. DH was dis-inclined to slog through wet u-cut forests in the cold mud, and I couldn't blame him. there is usually a Boy Scout lot or a women's shelter benefit lot set up in the neighborhood, and we like to patronize them as well. But none of the lots were open. The day after Thanksgiving and not a tree to be had! So we went home, and I dug out the decorations from the attic, and put up everything but the tree. It looks festive, but unfinished. And most of the decorations go on the tree. Those glass balls take up a lotta space!
In the evening, we got dressed up and attended the wedding of a fellow I went to college with. He's been a widower for about 7 years. His new bride has been a widow for a while, too. They had grown children and grandchildren in the wedding party. Her ensemble was exquisite, tastefull, stylish and unique. She wore a white blouse and long skirt, and over all was a fabulous long ivory coat, with enormous cavalier turn-back cuffs, a big collar that came to a point in back and was trimmed with gorgeous thick lace and a single ivory silk rose in the center of the point. She carried it off perfectly! all the women in the bridal party wore sweet, simple long-sleeve dresses of ivory winter lace, with dark red ribbons accenting the empire waistline, and necklaces of their own choice decorating the modest scoop necklines. Hem line around the knee, and shoes as per personal whim. One had cowboy boots, one had heavy gray tights and red mary janes, most had black or beige heels. One had strappy sandals. The guys all had dark tan slacks, and vests or sweater vests in a lighter tan color over white shirst and dark red neckties. The groom had a dark tan suit and sweater vest. It was SUCH a good choice!!
I demand that they be happy!
Now I have to write them a nice letter. As we were going through the reception line, I said to the bride, with all genuine smiles and sincere good will, "I slept with him before anyone else, and if you break his heart, I'll break your legs." Sometimes, I open my mouth and say things that astonish even me. The groom laughed uproariously and hugged me, and one of the bride's children grabbed her attention, then DH and I were swept along by the crowd of well-wishers. I wwill have to sit down and explain everything to her in a nice long letter. Wish me luck.

and I ate myself into a stupor. Friday - snap back to Weight Watcher's techniques, write down everything I eat, and keep track of the points.
There had been a power outage in our neighborhood, so when we got home, we lighted candles. I have a mirror over the mantle, and I lined up a bunch of candle in front of it, and the lit up the whole living room! DH ran his laptop on bettery power, and I took a bath by the light of one lavender scented candle. Between that and the tryptophan and the dessert wine, I nearly fell asleep in the tub. (Gas water heater. Gas fireplace. Gas stove-top. I have lived through enough ice-storms in this city. As God is my witness, I'll never be frostbit again!) There is something so soothing about candle light. Power came back on about 9PM.
Pretty easy to be moderate on Friday, because we were quite laid-back. We went out for breakfast, and since we were within sight of JoAnne's, and I had coupons, DH agreed to go in with me. If I had just gotten the beads I was headed for, it would have been a quick in and out. But he suggested I might want to get the door-buster specil flannel that was on sale for $1.29 a yard for one day only. And fleece was on sale for $2.99 a yard. So I grabbed some fabric and we got in line. And we stood there and stood there and STOOD there! Some woman was buying entire bolts of flannel and having the clerk cuts them into one yard lengths. She couldn't cut htem herself at home? She had to keep dozens of people standing while the clerk cut and folded for her? We were standing in line about fourty minutes. And she kept sending her husband off to bring back more fabric. DH was about ready to commit mayhem, or at least to say something admonitory about being inconsiderate of everyone else in the store! I kept telling him he could go look around the hardware store or cruise the dollar store or hang out in the car or whatever, but he had his stubborn on, and we would, by God, WAIT on this rude, inconsiderate woman and her embarassed husband. I considered leading a Christmas caroling session to help pass the time, but it takes at least two bold souls to pull off something like that, and I didn't see any other exhibitionists around. There were three other clerks cutting and folding as fast as they could, so finally DH and I skipped past the roadblock. I got my four yards of fleece, and 2 yards each of four pink printed flannels, and we were done in five minutes. I unrolled fabric from one bolt while the clerk was cutting another, then I folded fabric, re-rolled the bolt, and sped the plow as it were. The clerk offered me a job.
We were going to hunt the wilely Christmas tree, but it was rainy. DH was dis-inclined to slog through wet u-cut forests in the cold mud, and I couldn't blame him. there is usually a Boy Scout lot or a women's shelter benefit lot set up in the neighborhood, and we like to patronize them as well. But none of the lots were open. The day after Thanksgiving and not a tree to be had! So we went home, and I dug out the decorations from the attic, and put up everything but the tree. It looks festive, but unfinished. And most of the decorations go on the tree. Those glass balls take up a lotta space!
In the evening, we got dressed up and attended the wedding of a fellow I went to college with. He's been a widower for about 7 years. His new bride has been a widow for a while, too. They had grown children and grandchildren in the wedding party. Her ensemble was exquisite, tastefull, stylish and unique. She wore a white blouse and long skirt, and over all was a fabulous long ivory coat, with enormous cavalier turn-back cuffs, a big collar that came to a point in back and was trimmed with gorgeous thick lace and a single ivory silk rose in the center of the point. She carried it off perfectly! all the women in the bridal party wore sweet, simple long-sleeve dresses of ivory winter lace, with dark red ribbons accenting the empire waistline, and necklaces of their own choice decorating the modest scoop necklines. Hem line around the knee, and shoes as per personal whim. One had cowboy boots, one had heavy gray tights and red mary janes, most had black or beige heels. One had strappy sandals. The guys all had dark tan slacks, and vests or sweater vests in a lighter tan color over white shirst and dark red neckties. The groom had a dark tan suit and sweater vest. It was SUCH a good choice!!
I demand that they be happy!
Now I have to write them a nice letter. As we were going through the reception line, I said to the bride, with all genuine smiles and sincere good will, "I slept with him before anyone else, and if you break his heart, I'll break your legs." Sometimes, I open my mouth and say things that astonish even me. The groom laughed uproariously and hugged me, and one of the bride's children grabbed her attention, then DH and I were swept along by the crowd of well-wishers. I wwill have to sit down and explain everything to her in a nice long letter. Wish me luck.
At 7:46 PM ,
Rose L said...
I have seen those turduckens in the store but never thought anyon ever really cooked one, or at least never met anyone who did...that is, till now. LOL
Love the cap. So cute!
At 10:43 PM ,
Janette said...
Oh you are a dill! Good luck with the letter :)
At 3:09 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
And here was thinking that entitlement was just for the youth of today!!I'd not have been able to show such restraint ... I'm surprised that the staff were catering to her whims like that; there are usually limits on special sale days.
Isn't it strange that candlelight is a treat?
At 6:07 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
I think the bride has probably gotten the story from the groom by now (I would have!) but I agree, a letter might be a good idea.
We're going tree hunting next weekend but today is the day Christmas comes out of the boxes. Our tree doesn't get decorated until the 24th anyway. I don't fancy facing the girls' wrath.
At 2:07 PM ,
Rose L said...
I forgot to add this to my earlier comment!
So Roxie slept with the groom, huh!!! When I got married I had the opposite happen. The first guy I dated told Clay (my husband) that he was a lucky man and that I was the only girl he dated who he never slept with! It was true, but hard to believe someone would admit to that!! Guys are usually wanting to add up their conquests!
At 6:19 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Good luck with the letter.
At 6:24 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh baby, I saved this post until I had time to savor it, and I'm glad I did. The hat is AWESOMELY stunning--you are SO clever! The idea of a bubble bath after eating turducken sounds very soothing and lovely. And I don't know if anybody can top that particular line in a wedding party. Ever. (And the letter is probably a very good idea.) And yeah... if anyone can appreciate just blurting shit out, I'm your gal...
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