Oct 31
The trees are putting on their colors, and the early sun makes them glow. There's a reason photographers call this "The golden hour."
Wearing fluffy blue robe, slippers, and hairstyle resembling a tumbleweed, I wandered around in front of the house in the misty morn, snapping photographs of the 6:00AM lighting effects.
It even gives the beloved old ranch house a touch of charm.
Ben, however, couldn't be bothered to bestir himself.
At 3:41 PM ,
Dave Daniels said...
I'm with Ben. Some days are meant for sleeping in, no matter what the pretty trees look like.
At 4:07 PM ,
Willow said...
Ben's a kitty after my own heart!
Happy Halloween!
And congratulations on achieving Life Time Status!
At 6:42 PM ,
Pat Lichen said...
At 6 AM on a Sunday?! I'm with Ben.
At 9:48 PM ,
Rose L said...
I'm with Ben!!! I like to sleep in as often as possible!
At 11:03 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
But Ben didn't have the fuzzy blue bathrobe or slippers with which to look fabulous at the crotch of dawn!
(spamword: plate)
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