hair today
Sunrise on the last day of summer. It turned out partly cloudy all day long with big fat sheep-like cumulus clouds wandering across the sky.

And after an hour with the scissors and a healthy blob of a product called, "Boing" here is the result. DH is not impressed. The curly girl is not at all what he had in mind. I'll wash out the product today and see what I can do with the natural hair. But I bought a bottle of "Boing" because I enjoy the look, even if it does make my hair feel gunky. And it sure beats the mad attack with the nail scissors trims I've been giving myself.
It was a day to savor, with a definite flavor of fall in the air, but a nice
kiss of sunshine as well. Some trees are even starting to turn, though not the neighbors' maples yet.
So I took myself to the hairdresser for the first time in three years. Here is the old hair, bed-head, to give you an idea of what she was going to be working with.
And Janette, I wear this wool and silk shell all the time. A Christmas gift greatly appreciated!!
And after an hour with the scissors and a healthy blob of a product called, "Boing" here is the result. DH is not impressed. The curly girl is not at all what he had in mind. I'll wash out the product today and see what I can do with the natural hair. But I bought a bottle of "Boing" because I enjoy the look, even if it does make my hair feel gunky. And it sure beats the mad attack with the nail scissors trims I've been giving myself.
Meanwhile, DH has quit getting haircuts until I got one. I don't understand that boy. Do you think it might have been a more effective thing to do if he had told me what he was up to? Or if he had just said, "Why don't you give yourself a treat and go get your hair styled?" I'll have to remind him that I'm not a mind-reader, and that I welcome his input.
At 8:07 AM ,
Willow said...
Well, I like your haircut. Always wished for natural curls.
Enjoy your stay in MB. When will you be in dear ol' Socal?
Oh and love the mitered square baby blanket!
At 10:44 AM ,
Benita said...
I like it!! I think the curlies look wonderful and helps enhance your natural beauty. I'd keep the professional product going. Then again, I miss my own curlies so maybe I'm biased.
At 3:22 PM ,
Rose L said...
I LOVE the new do!!!!! The curls are adorable!!! And it looks tame!
At 4:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You look GREAT!! But then you always did.
At 6:01 PM ,
Heide said...
Roxanna, you are a goddess!Wild and natural was awesome, but I adore the sleek, smooth curls just as much. Kyle is one lucky man!
At 6:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think it looks fantabulous. :)
At 7:03 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I always (still) wished for curly hair. That's my not-so-secret wish for when my hair grows back - curly & not gray, though if it could be all gray I'd be cool with that too.
At 2:48 AM ,
Janette said...
Oh you gorgeous creature you!!! The hair looks fantastic. I do love the new look, you truly look fabulous.
I'd forgotten about the silk shell top. Roxie, it's beautiful. Love the colour combination and so pleased to read you are happy with it too.
At 5:55 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
I like it, it's a great look for you. It's nice that you can have it curly, and can probably straighten it, too.
As for him, not cutting his hair is mild compared to what he could have done! Imagine, he could have given up bathing altogether! There are worse things in life than long hair, take from me, Mr. Baldy!
At 10:52 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
It must be hair week, I got mine cut on Monday. But yours is way cuter.
At 11:47 AM ,
Lucia said...
Love the hair! But I'd have been seriously tempted not to cut it, ever, just to watch Kyle's hair grow. (Grant would never make such a vow. He knows full well that my hair will stay long unless and until I decide to cut it, which won't be any time soon.)
At 12:01 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
I like it! But it's good to know I'm not the only one who has to do battle with a rabid squirrel on a daily basis! It looks like 'Boing' is exactly what you need to knock that little bastard unconscious!
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