If I ignore it, will it go away?
We had a few inches of snow, then we got some freezing rain. A fair ammount of freezing rain. In fact, here is a chunk of freezing rain from off the top of our snow. (We hates it, we does!) squirrels, cats, and small children could scamper about on top of this icy crust. Larger children and adults would break through and sink four inches into the powder beneath. I noticed a hole in the sheet of white in the yard. The photos don't do it justice, so let's turn on the screen of our imaginations: Visualize a sheet of ice coating the backyard like lineoleum made with powdered diamonds. Now imagine a gopher-sized hole sort of toward the center of this immaculate surface. As I stood, gazing in wonder at the hole, a squirrel skittered down a nearby tree, skidded over to the hole, and thrust his head and forepaws deep into its recesses. Then he sat up, busily rearranged things in his mouth, and shoved his head back into the hole. The light dawned in my head. I had put a plate of birdseed out before the snow fell. Squirrels love birdseed. He had remembered where it was, had excavated his way down to it, and was industriously filling his larder with the bounty, cramming his face, runnng off to his nest, emptying the goodies, and running back. He has a brain about the size of a lima bean. His cheek pouches are probably larger than his entire brain. How could he (she?) remember so perfectly? Well, good cess to him.
I have birdseed scattered on the front porch where the snow doesn't fall and the cats can watch the feasters through the windows.
Now I am going to spin and watch Fred Astair musicals and think warm thoughts. I would never, never have made it as a pioneer. I am SO grateful for electronic communications and distractions! Stay warm, stay safe and let me know how it is in your baliwick.
At 1:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You need to send that squirrel my way. Ours are so stupid they can't remember where they buried their corn, then it sprouts and I have to pull it up.
Hey, you know what you should do? Join Facebook. :)If you do, friend me, Susan, and Pat L.
At 2:18 PM ,
Lucia said...
And me!
Achilles is a plague on all local rabbits and rodents; I try to think of him as population control and/or evolution in action. He catches many chipmunks, mice, rabbits, and the occasional bird, but very few squirrels.
At 5:30 PM ,
Willow said...
I have heard from Flower about the snow in Portland. Please stay warm and dry, and I hope you don't lose your electricity!
Even here we are having gray and rain and damp weather.
At 9:25 PM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
This afternoon, I heard that you folks on the east side have been getting the brunt of it today. Our ice layers have now frozen thick enough that Andy Rooney can walk on the top layer; at least he can since we got more snow on top of the 2nd layer of ice. Today, our neighbor shoveled our driveway. I told him, thanks a lot, now I have no reason not to go to work! I'll take the camera and maybe have pictures to blog with, at least!
At 5:15 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
Your weather made the morning news today. It sounds awful for the folks stuck in airports. We have had prodigious amounts of rain. We even had to get out the pump which doesn't happen very often. I'm glad you have enough distractions to keep you busy. If I had been a pioneer, my family would have been vegetarians!
At 7:59 AM ,
Heide said...
Gorgeous yarn and shawl pin! Stay warm and let's hope this passes soon. Snow belongs in the mountains.
At 9:08 PM ,
Galad said...
Do stay warm and safe. Cuddling yarn sounds like a good passtime for these nasty weather days.
At 7:49 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
We're getting your weather leftovers. We're under six inches of snow here in Boise. Stay warm and have a Merry Christmas!!
At 2:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
What lovely squishy yarn... what a magnificent present! And I'll be re-telling your squirrel story forEVER--Chicken thought it was delightful!
At 8:49 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Love your snow photos but I love the yarn and pin more . . . it'll last. Pretty colors, too.
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