Home from So Col.
We are returned from our sojourn in the south. Everyone who was sending prayers and good vibes for our trip was remarkably successful! Usually I spend my time in LA in clench-jawed determination to be a good sport. This trip, I actually enjoyed myself!
The fiftieth anniversary luau was lovely. DH had the idea of taking our picture of the original wedding party and having it blown up to poster size as our gift to the happy couple. It was a huge success. So many of us can no longer see well enough to appreciate the details of a 5X7 photo.
People sat wherever they chose. DH who was the ring bearer lo these many years ago, wound up sitting next to the woman who had been the flower girl. They had a marvelous time talking cruises. Her husband is a sculptor for films and TV. In an upcoming episode of CSI New York, when you see the investigators rappelling down the face of the Statue of Liberty, I met the guy who built and sculpted that face! And he's interested in doing the cover for my western romance! Wayy cool!
We went to San Diego with my MIL and rode the Historic Trolley which I would reccommend to anyone new to the city. It was $30 per person, but the pass was good for the whole day, you could get on and off as you chose, and you got to see the historic old town, the gaslamp district, Seaport Village, the beach resprt town of Coronado, the San Diego Zoo, And Balboa Park which has seventeen different museums! DH and MIL. although born and raised in So. Cal. had no idea San Diego had so much of interest. (Our driver was funny, very informative, and enunciated clearly, which is really important to old farts like us.)
People in LA give directions by using strings of numbers. I don’t really clue in to numbers. “You take the 110 to the 91, cross the 710, and get off onto 57 . . . I could be listening to the refrigerator running for all the significance I get from this. If I write it down, and track it on the map, I’m ok, but God help me if I ever have to drive in this madhouse!
SIL had two friends visiting from out of town, so we joined them for a nice brunch on Sunday, and again, on Tuesday when they went to Disneyland. I think I'm too old for Disneyland. The crowds wear on me, the rides are too short for the length of time you spend in line, and the t-shirts and trinkets are cheesy and overpriced.
I took a mid-afternoon break, walked back to the hotel, and lay down in the dark, cool silence for a two hour nap. Oh golly it was nice!! I had DH’s cell phone so we could re-connect. I headed back and called SIL’s number. She never answers her phone but waits for people to leave voice mail. Frustrating when you are trying to find someone. But I left the voice mail. Soon the phone rang. It was DH on SIL’s phone. I could hear him fine. He couldn’t hear me at all. I don’t own a cell phone and though I can see their wonderful utility, I still sense they are a snare of the devil. Goodness knows our connection was cursed. I was fighting my way through manic hordes frantically having FUN the length of Downtown Disney with overstimulated toddlers and parents on their Last Nerve snarling, “It costs $120 a day for you to go to Disneyland. I don’t care if you’re exhausted, you are going to get my money’s worth if I have to drag you kicking and screaming the whole length and breadth of the damn place!” And all the time I was bellowing, “Hello? Hello? Can you hear me now?” Finally I hit the wrong button and disconnected. So I called back. This time SIL answered. She couldn’t hear me either. I could hear them just fine, but they couldn't hear me at all - though as loud as I was shouting, everyone else in the damn park could. I was like a salmon, swimming upstream on Main-Street USA, trying to find my mate, and unable to make connection. Goddam modern technology! In the old days we would have arranged beforehand to meet at a specific place at a specific time and that would be that. Now, I have no idea where he is on the acres of park, and I have nightmares about losing people who are dear to me in crowds. Panic is rising in my bosom when at last my phone rings again. SIL has given the phone to her son who can hear just fine and talks me right straight to them. I was so fraught that I nearly threw the phone on the ground and stomped it!
I would have been blogging about this all along but time was short, and although the hotel has a wi-fi service for $10 a day, there was a computer gaming convention in the next hotel, (and the streets were thronged with young people wearing “World of Warcraft” t-shirts.) So, When I tried to access the hotel website, another site kept popping up with a stronger signal. Every time I tried to log on, the security programs in my laptop said, “Ohh, bad juju. If you go there, don’t tell them anything you don’t want to world to know.” Well crap. With all those web-heads out there, do you suppose someone is financing his trip with a pirate site? No blogging after all, untill finally I found a wifi site at the airport where I could pay an exhorbitant fee for a few minutes of internet time. I checked my e-mail and right away up popped a picture that Ay Lane had sent me of a guy who had an expansive tattoo in a singularly tender area. "Puff the magic dragon. " The young man sitting at the terminal next to me, glanced over, goggled, giggled, and then nearly blushed to death when I glared at him. I was so flustered, It took me a moment to figure how to move on to the next item in my inbox. And then I started giggling. Which pretty much blew the rest of my internet time.
and Blogger is refusing to upload my pictures. I'll try to edit some in when we get the desktop back from the Geek Squad. Laptop- desktop - boxtop - it's all confusing to me.
At 12:25 PM ,
Willow said...
My dd and sil play WOW and Deb showed me around, made her dad an avatar of his own. But it's not our cup of tea. I'd rather pull my toenails out or slit my wrists.
Glad you had a good time in good ol' SOCAL. We are leaving the beach cities before Sunday and going HOME.
At 6:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Roxie!
I wanted to ask you some questions about weaving. My daughter tried out a floor loom at the Shaker Village we just visited in NH and she loved it. I'm thinking about getting her a loom and was looking around at Woodland Woolworks. Do you have an opinion on a good beginner's loom? I was thinking about the ridid heddle looms because they are recommended for beginners. She would like to make smaller items such as scarves, placemats etc. Can you give me any advice for buying?
Thanks! Kristin
At 1:01 AM ,
Denise said...
Good to hear you're back safe and sound! I don't think I'd like to go to Disneyland again, either - I went when I was about 4, and my mother insisted I should go on the Sleeping Beauty ride, but I was so traumatised by it I had to have 6 rides on the merry-go-round to calm down!
I loved the blown-up photo idea - brilliant! And what a cool sculpting job... If I've ever in San Diego, I'll definitely take the Historic Trolley :)
Sounds like you had a mostly-good time!
At 5:28 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
I am not thrilled with the whole Disney experience, either. My brother and his wife and their two children go to Fla. every year to go to Disney. Their home is filled with Disney. I can't stand it. Different tastes.
At 8:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ahhhhhh -- Roxie's back and all's well with the world. I missed your posts! Glad it was (except for Disney, and I'm of one mind with you on that) a good visit.
At 8:12 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Take a deep breath Roxie, you're home now - I can feel your blood pressure rising as you narrate your (mis) adventures. You had me in stitches - isn't it funny how technology has actually made us stressed and time poor - and what about the paperless office? I recall Disney world well - and Gpa Flea and I had exactly the same reaction as you - and those other parents. We were there in 1985 - eldest daughter was 17 and an exchange student in Atlanta. I'd been marooned in Phoenix with the other two - we caught the plane to Atlanta - were met by Ms 17 and her host sister and parents - all total strangers. The first thing Ms 17 said to her 13 year old sister (in an American twang) was "Oh Katie! You can't wear those - only Blacks wear those!" ("those" were patterned stockings). As soon as she had said it, she stopped - I said "Do you realise what you just said?" - she had heard herself and she was so embarrassed. She was at a school where the kids were bussed in from across town and I guess she had just adapted to the prevailing attitude in the area - white, middle class. Back to the point: we raced to another plane where my three and host sister (and me) were all boarding to go to Disneyworld. Gpa Flea picked us up at the other end and we headed to Disneyworld with our 3 DAY ticket - we only had two and a half days there, but a three day ticket was cheaper than individual sessions. After day one, in the long queues, in the heat and humidity, we were all beat. The next morning, the four kids were all in bed together, still exhausted, but laughing, wrestling and just having a great time catching up. They wouldn't get up, and Gpa Flea and I were screeching around the room saying "Get out of bed - this ticket cost us a week's pay! You're going to have fun if we have to drag you there, screaming and crying!" - well, not quite - we realised that they just wanted to be with each other, so we wept bitter tears in the bathroom at all the wine we could have bought with that money - well, not quite. I can't remember what we did for the rest of the day, but we didn't go to Disneyworld!
I'm glad you'r back in the blogosphere.
At 2:08 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Glad to have you back...uhm...sorry for the whole Puffed up Magic Dragon e-mail... Mate and I plan Disneyland for the least amount of crowds...we love taking the kids there, but we hate lines like plague...
At 2:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Catching up myself, here... And oh my god, what an adventure! The anniversary luau and San Diego sound great. Disneyland? Sounds like the nether depths of hell. You couldn't pay to get me into that place!
Glad you survived and didn't lose anyone permanently in Disneyland, and hope you're starting to relax now that you're home!
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