So, having the day free yesterday, I ran errands. I used to be able to just grab everything I need, walk out of the house, and get it done in one fell sweep. Yesterday I had to sit down and write out what I needed to do, run around the house and gather all the bits (drycleaning and shopping bags and honey jars and sick laptops) then plan my route and number the errands so I don't forget something . . . I felt like I was trying to get all the laundry out of the dryer and over to the folding table without dropping a sock or walking on a dangling sleeve. I felt like I had a big pile of packages all jumbled together and I was trying to carry them without rational stacking. Things kept trying to slip away. Even though neither laptop could be healed, and I didn't find the rayon cord I was looking for, I got to the end of the day with everything checked off the list, and a profound awe for the juggling skills I have always taken so much for granted. I keep saying that my brain is like a steel seive, but it's getting more so. And the fear of losing things panics me into not seeing them when I look for them. I didn't lose that important receipt. I just didn't see it in the file. I didn't lose the paycheck. I just didn't see it in my wallet. Thank goodness for pencil and paper, and the time to take a deep breath. Thank goodness for routines and habits that get things done without conscious thought. Thank goodness for always putting things in the same place so I know where to expect them to be. I'm beginning to understand why elderly people hate to be moved or have their schedules upset. It's so easy to get lost.
It was a successful day, and I'm off to a perfectly routine day at work. Hope yours is perfectly routine as well!
It was a successful day, and I'm off to a perfectly routine day at work. Hope yours is perfectly routine as well!
At 12:33 PM ,
Willow said...
We too have been looking for a swap lamp and cannot find one. The only thing that Lowe's, etc, have to offer are those adapter kits for chandeliers. Humph! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is using the pen and paper method of planning the errands!
At 3:12 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I feel like I forget things so much more easily now that I make lists of everything. Nothing wrong with some organization and I am glad to keep a paper and pencil and check things off (something very satisfying in that)
At 7:16 PM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
Have you discovered the Super-Sticky Post-It notes? They stick anywhere - The back of front door is the perfect place for the grocery list; and the car dash is the perfect place for that errand list; and the bathroom mirror for the Dr. appt reminders. Before long we'll have the whole damned house papered with the things. Good that they come in different colors, too . . .
At 7:48 PM ,
Galad said...
The power of a simple pencil and paper. Works for me!
At 11:50 PM ,
Barb said...
Oh how I could hug you Roxie (and everyone else) I thought it was just me. Even today I looked in my purse and didn't see my wallet, then panicked. You are so right. Breathe, slow down, and the pesky wallet appears, either that or it morphs into other objects just to screw with me.
Sorry about the laptops. Will you bury them?
At 4:32 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
We found our hanging lamp at a yard sale.
At 10:15 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh, man-- sometimes running errands can be the HARDEST job on the planet.
At 12:43 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
I've been writing things down for years. I don't have just one list, I have several. One stuck to my desk, another in my pocket, a Post-it note on the dash of my car if I'm going more than 3 places, a big sheet broken into days of the week. I wouldn't be able to get through the day without my lists.
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