What's it gonna do?
A little color to brighten your day!

Weather is on everyone's mind right now. Everyone has a gazillion things planned because it's only two weeks till Christmas after all, and the forces seem to be aligned to give us freezing rain. In fact, it was predicted for this morning, but it's drizabone right now and feels above freezing. The monthly knitting session was cancelled because the hosts live on top of a hill, and if it''s gonna freeze, it will freeze there. We have a significant party to go to tonight, and they, too, live on a hill. This is the party where we meet people we haven't seen all year, deliver Christmas gifts, schmooze, etc. I was planning on bringing food, but should I go buy the fixings or not? I mean, in spite of walking miles each day, I still gained 4 pounds during our week away. (Macadamia nut encrusted Ahi isn't as slimming as you might think.) So I don't NEED two dozen ham and cheese rollups sitting around in our fridge. And DH won't take them in to the locusts, because "The locusts don't deserve them!" Decisions, decisions.
And a picture of my souvenier from the trip. Bare toes, escalator, and a passing geriatric woman in leopard print leggings and a zebra stripe top with green ostrich skin cowboy boots made a painful combination. Escalators really do want to eat us, and we must remain ever vigilant.
Weather is on everyone's mind right now. Everyone has a gazillion things planned because it's only two weeks till Christmas after all, and the forces seem to be aligned to give us freezing rain. In fact, it was predicted for this morning, but it's drizabone right now and feels above freezing. The monthly knitting session was cancelled because the hosts live on top of a hill, and if it''s gonna freeze, it will freeze there. We have a significant party to go to tonight, and they, too, live on a hill. This is the party where we meet people we haven't seen all year, deliver Christmas gifts, schmooze, etc. I was planning on bringing food, but should I go buy the fixings or not? I mean, in spite of walking miles each day, I still gained 4 pounds during our week away. (Macadamia nut encrusted Ahi isn't as slimming as you might think.) So I don't NEED two dozen ham and cheese rollups sitting around in our fridge. And DH won't take them in to the locusts, because "The locusts don't deserve them!" Decisions, decisions.
And a picture of my souvenier from the trip. Bare toes, escalator, and a passing geriatric woman in leopard print leggings and a zebra stripe top with green ostrich skin cowboy boots made a painful combination. Escalators really do want to eat us, and we must remain ever vigilant.
At 8:42 AM ,
Willow said...
Yes, freezing rain. I remember. It's not the snow that makes for dangerous driving, it's the ice underneath that snow and the freezing rain on top. Take care!
Here, people drive in rain so seldom that they really don't know how to make the adjustments for slick pavement. Lots of accidents result.
At 9:07 AM ,
tlbwest said...
If you make it to D&L's give everyone my love.
At 9:07 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Oh, your poor little toesie!
We should have known this weather would be a bust since they hyped it so much.
Here's my thought on how you can be prepared. Make your sandwiches and if the party is canceled you can give them to me! ;)
At 11:30 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh boy-- that little piggy had WAY too much roast beast!
Poor piggy-- but thank you for the sunshine, because we're right with you on the weather. It's cold and it's wet and it sucks. The sunshine was way welcome.
At 11:50 AM ,
Rose L said...
OUCH!! Are you sure it is not fractured????
At 5:01 PM ,
Heide said...
Ouch! That looks like it might be broken. Drive safely if you go to the party. Chips, pretzels, etc. are always cheap and easy. The Speech and Debate tournament was called off today for A1 because of the possibility of icy roads. Unfortunately, we didn't get the memo and we showed up anyway. Doh! Frantic Christmas knitting going on up this way. Wish you were closer, we could drink hot buttered rums and stitch away. Cheers!
At 10:32 PM ,
Galad said...
Looks painful! Poor toe certainly lost the battle with the escalator.
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