Yesterday, I found lovely wool and alpaca blend, "Nashua," 220 yards for $8.25 (And there is no sales tax in Oregon. How do your other folks manage? Nothing costs what it says it does?) I cast on both mittens last night and have almost finished the dark purple cuffs. And I still haven't decided on what sorts of patterning to do. Faire Isle for sure, to add extra warmth. And I want to make them with fold-back ends so the finger tips can be exposed for dexterity issues. I hae three shades of purple and I am already wanting to keep it all for myself. Soft, slightly fluffy, oh so warm.
And as long as I was in the yarn store, I wandered and fondled, and savored the mid-week, early-morning calm. My eyes feasted on colors. My fingers feasted on textures. I was compulsively planning projects at top speed and completely without any possibility of ever beginning them. And then I found the sale bins. Jo Sharp yarn for $5 a ball! Damn, I have already picked up $24.75 in needful wool/alpaca, and there's all that Jo sharp, taunting me. Wool, silk and cashmere blends, flipping up their little skirts and wagging their soft little bottoms, chanting, "Nyah, nyah! you can't have me!"
I firmly reminded myself that the Flock and Fiber Festival is coming to Canby in two weeks, and I want to indulge in mystery batts from Fantasy Fiber. (And 100% alpaca from the 4H kid who raised the critter. And at the festival, you can indulge in the wonderful sport of haggling.) Telling myself that we have no money in the budget for yarn just doesn't work because then the credit card begins whistling and hooting from it's zippered pocket in the wallet. It's not really spending money if you charge it, right?
The yarn store owner will be sad to hear that I got away with only the yarn I actually came for and three balls of lavender tweed (Color: 420 Eden) Jo Sharp Silkroad. Just touching it makes me want to ditch work and rush out to buy more. I have a serious silk addiction!!
To settle my thundering heart, I sat down with the pink orphan sweater and the Xena recordings and produced another FO! I even got pictures. One of these days. I will figure how to get them on the blog. (I know, promises, promises. When this does come together, I will suddenly dump a plethora of photos, and no one will be able to remember what they were!)
It's still raining. Very fresh and cool. Would it be peculiar to carry a ball of Sillkroad around with me to cuddle today? sigh. I guess so. And it's much easier to carry the silk blouse in case a knitting opportunity arises. Odd how the latest fancy morphs into a UFO with the purchase of new yarn. The blouse is down past the armholes. It does make a great case for KIP though. I had it out at the salon while I was getting my hair cut, and looking in the mirror, realized that the reverse stockingette side was even more beautiful than the stockinette side. Wayyy cool! good thing I haven't put the beads on yet.
Tomorrow, we are crossing the passes to go visit my mother, "the Empress." I may not have a chance to blog till sunday evening. Please remind me to pack her birthday present!
And as long as I was in the yarn store, I wandered and fondled, and savored the mid-week, early-morning calm. My eyes feasted on colors. My fingers feasted on textures. I was compulsively planning projects at top speed and completely without any possibility of ever beginning them. And then I found the sale bins. Jo Sharp yarn for $5 a ball! Damn, I have already picked up $24.75 in needful wool/alpaca, and there's all that Jo sharp, taunting me. Wool, silk and cashmere blends, flipping up their little skirts and wagging their soft little bottoms, chanting, "Nyah, nyah! you can't have me!"
I firmly reminded myself that the Flock and Fiber Festival is coming to Canby in two weeks, and I want to indulge in mystery batts from Fantasy Fiber. (And 100% alpaca from the 4H kid who raised the critter. And at the festival, you can indulge in the wonderful sport of haggling.) Telling myself that we have no money in the budget for yarn just doesn't work because then the credit card begins whistling and hooting from it's zippered pocket in the wallet. It's not really spending money if you charge it, right?
The yarn store owner will be sad to hear that I got away with only the yarn I actually came for and three balls of lavender tweed (Color: 420 Eden) Jo Sharp Silkroad. Just touching it makes me want to ditch work and rush out to buy more. I have a serious silk addiction!!
To settle my thundering heart, I sat down with the pink orphan sweater and the Xena recordings and produced another FO! I even got pictures. One of these days. I will figure how to get them on the blog. (I know, promises, promises. When this does come together, I will suddenly dump a plethora of photos, and no one will be able to remember what they were!)
It's still raining. Very fresh and cool. Would it be peculiar to carry a ball of Sillkroad around with me to cuddle today? sigh. I guess so. And it's much easier to carry the silk blouse in case a knitting opportunity arises. Odd how the latest fancy morphs into a UFO with the purchase of new yarn. The blouse is down past the armholes. It does make a great case for KIP though. I had it out at the salon while I was getting my hair cut, and looking in the mirror, realized that the reverse stockingette side was even more beautiful than the stockinette side. Wayyy cool! good thing I haven't put the beads on yet.
Tomorrow, we are crossing the passes to go visit my mother, "the Empress." I may not have a chance to blog till sunday evening. Please remind me to pack her birthday present!
At 7:34 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Only other knitters understand the soul deep satisfaction of the successful yarn crawl, fiber abstinence, and (joy of joys!) the successful FO. And you got all 3 in ine day...awesome!
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